Phostwood's Nolvus Crash Log Analyzer

Last updated: February 9, 2025  

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Find your Nolvus crash logs at:
[Nolvus_Directory]\Instances\Nolvus Ascension\MODS\overwrite\NetScriptFramework\Crash
Replace [Nolvus_Directory] with your actual Nolvus installation directory.
Or, alternately, use the Test Log to simulate almost every possible crash log issue at once.

Please support ongoing development!

๐Ÿช™ With over 450 hours of development, this advanced analyzer examines Nolvus (and general Skyrim) crash logs to help diagnose and fix 80-90% of crashes, providing well-researched troubleshooting steps and links. It's currently helping over 500 different Skyrim modders every week and stands apart from other analyzers with its advanced diagnoses and frequent updates.

๐Ÿช™ Consider buying me a coffee for helping you out! Users regularly save hours or even days of frustrating troubleshooting. Even a $1 donation (a frugal coffee!) shows your appreciation and helps validate the hundreds of hours invested in this project. If this tool saved you time, please consider supporting its continued development!

Support me on Ko-fi Spare a coin on Ko-fi

"Oh, thank you! Divines bless your kind heart!" ๐Ÿ˜Š


Usage Recommendation: Where possible, test and compare results from multiple related crash logs, as some crash logs may contain insightful indicators that others do not. Also, some diagnoses lack confidence unless the same issue repeats.

(Click on any ๐ŸŽฏ, โ—, โ“, ๐Ÿ”Ž, or โœ… emoji next to a diagnosis to copy it, along with its markdown formatting, to your clipboard for sharing on Reddit's r/Nolvus or the Nolvus Discord. Please note that any sections you've chosen to "โคด๏ธ hide" will not be included in the copied markdown. This includes both the "โคด๏ธ hide" list item and any indented child list items beneath it.)


(click "Choose File" or copy-paste file contents for analyzing)